Modifications to Total Budget Grid

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Budget Modification amounts are programmed to be added to or subtracted from the Direct Costs.  Agency fees are calculated from the Direct Cost totals and are not calculated by line item (like indirects and fee).

There are four options allowed on this grid:

  • Carryover Funds - This will reduce your budget bottom line.
  • Program Income - This will reduce your budget bottom line.
  • Contingency Fees - This will increase your budget bottom line.
  • Program Development - This will increase your budget bottom line.

You will also be able to:

  • Add a total flat amount to a bottom line
  • Adding Program Development
  • Subtract a total flat amount to a bottom line
  • Subtracting Carryover Funds, Workshop Registration, Program Income

Please note that Budget Modifications do not truly affect the Direct Costs of the budget.  Therefore there is a discrepancy between the Direct Costs in the Grids, the Direct Costs in the HTML summary, and the True Direct Costs to be shown to the sponsor. If Budget Modifications are needed to see the true direct costs in order to sumbit to a sponsor the Budget Summary and not refer to grid totals.