SmartForm - Budget Limitations

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 Is an override of the UCAR Management Fee default required?

This allows the user to override the default application of the UCAR Management Fee as required. The Rate and Fee Matrix based on the selection of attributes throughout the SmartForms and Grids drives when the fee should be applied but certain situations may require an override. The user has the choice of choosing the appropriate fee percentage to be applied.

Does the budget require a fee waiver from the UCAR President?

If your answer is yes, please submit a Fee Waiver Request to you entity Budget Office.

Are there any Cost Sharing requirements imposed by the sponsor or funding opportunity?

If  the user answers “Yes” the system will create an accompanying Cost Share Budget that is associated with the Proposal/Project Budget. The user can access this budget through the toggle switch available in the Budget Grids.

The Cost Share Budget is similar to the Budget Grids but also has a SmartForm page at the very beginning where the user has the option of overriding the application of the UCAR Management Fee. The fee will always default to 0% in a Cost Share Budget but there may be a case where this flexibility is needed.  Only the entity Budget Office (BO or BOD) has the ability to override the indirect rate application.  For example, if STORM funds are utilized as the cost share resource, the Cost Share Budget should apply the UCAR Indirect Cost Rate. 

Does the sponsor or funding opportunity limit the amount or percentage of Indirect Costs that can be applied to the budget? 

If Indirect Costs are limited the remaining amount must be supported by another source, typically using STORM funding.

Are there any other budget restrictions that the sponsor or solicitation is imposing? 

If so, contact your PA and/or entity Budget Office.

Will you be requesting Firm Fixed Price (FFP) approval from UCAR?

If your answer is yes, please complete the FFP Form.